10 travel tips to explore Indochina

      Indochina is a historical name refers to a particular part of Southeast Asia that now comprising Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.The extraordinary Indochina is developing tourist region with substandard facilities. Travelers have to be resourceful and improvise. “10 travel tips to explore Indochina” will share ten tips to face with popular problems when you travel to Indochina countries. Indochina travel Laos

Language problem when travel Indochina

      Language problem is a barrier that slows down the progress of your initiative. Find a local English speaker. They get to practice their English, you get a guide. It’s a fair trade-off. If you are not lucky to find one, try your body language to find help. People in Indochina countries are friendly, honest and decent. They are willing to help travelers.

Lost in strange cities with bizarre signposts

      After check-in at your hotel, it is useful to ask hotel staff for a card visit bearing the name and address of your hotel so you can show it to a cyclo or moto driver when returning to the hotel. It is easy to get lost in small old streets in Indochina countries but you can prepare for yourself. When exploring cities, make sure you bring paper maps or an offline map app in your smartphone. Try to find the direction help from locals.


Can not find the address in a big city

      You would be surprised what is up on the Web. Head for a cyber cafés and use a search engine to locate it. Websites are bang up to date. Use the Internet as your Yellow Pages- let the Web do the walking. In Vietnam these café are less than a dollar an hour, in Cambodia around $5 an hour but the price is coming down, in Laos under $2 an hour. Cyber cafes are found in major tour site of Indochina.

No map of town

      Check big hotels and tourist information offices in town. They often offer free mini maps and you can take one. Sometimes there is a map glued on the wall. You may not be able to get a copy, but you can probably glean enough details for orientation purposes.


No regular taxis in sight

      Take a cyclo, tuk tuk, xe ôm for short distances, or a motorcycle- taxi for longer distances. In Indochina, there are many kind of public transportation you can replace taxi like tuk tuk, cyclo, xe ôm… Even when you can get a taxi, be careful with it. With various taxi companies, it is better to know what kind are big ones that you can trust. All you need is know where you go, estimate the price and have some pence in your pockets.


No hot shower in your hotel

      Ask for a thermos of hot water( supplied in hotels in Vietnam), soak a thin towel and apply it. This technique will wipe off the grime and refresh you. Another technique is the bucket shower- fill up a bucket with cold water, then mix part thermos water and cold water in a plastic ladle, and pour it over yourself, and repeat procedure.

Can not find a bus station

        Go to the markets. The buses generally leave close cyclos and other forms of transport are clustered around the bus station. If the last bus already left for the place you want to go, or you missed the cursed crack- of- dawn express departure, stand out on the main high way and flag down a long- distance bus that is passing through. Hitching is another possibility, and could well be more comfortable than a bus.


Bicycle and motorcycle rentals

      Ask the hotel staff if you can borrow a personal bicycle. An offer of $2 will be much appreciated. If you want to rent a motorcycle, check with your hotel first. If they do not offer that service, ask for their help or google by yourself. It is easy. Tours of Indochina


No bank in sight

       Find the nearest jeweler’s shop. Jewelers sell gold and trade in cash US dollars. Changing $200 or $300 will not faze them. Get in touch with internet to check your bank accounts or tranfer money.

Can not afford a long phone call back home

       Use web based email: there are cyber café in all major tourist locations in Indochina, catering to tourist demand. And you do not have to worry about waking people up at midnight- or getting an answering machine. Another possibility is sending a fax- post offices and hotels have fax machines around.

Indochina is the exotic place to explore for travellers. “10 travel tips to explore Indochina” have closer looks and how to deal with small troubles when you are on travel in Indochina countries. Plan your travel with these useful tips will help you have fantastic experiences.

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