Cheap, fun, thrilling, awesome are words to describe your experience of hair cleaning in Vietnam in local hairdressers. It’s pretty common to see the little sign “Cắt tóc” in North Vietnam or “Hớt Tóc” in South Vietnam. Cắt = Cut. Hair = Tóc. Easy right? Now when you come in here, besides the normal circle of washing your hair first, then cut your hair, then blow dry it, there are extra pleasures. Seriously, I am not talking dirty nor the issues of happy ending in the pink dim light hairdressers here. It is hair cleaning and head massage in Vietnam. Trust me, it’s truly an experience during your Vietnam holiday tours.

Skinhead scratching – the very first process of hair cleaning in Vietnam
In most places, the lady will still work on your skinhead like it has never been washed before. It’s not that she hates you, she is actually trying to please you from scratch where you feel itchy. So if you don’t like her nails scratching into your sensitive skinhead, then ask in advance for a soft scratch.
Ear washing
Not many people like this, so normally she will ask before doing it. Lying on the hair-washing chair, she will spray the water into your ear, then clean it with some shampoo, spray more water to wash away the bubbles. It sounds normal when you do it on your own in the shower, but make sure you are calm and be prepared if try it in the hairdresser. I found it a bit weird feeling.

A face wash is often included in the process of hair cleaning in Vietnam. There might be an extra charged for it. You can also have a face mask while washing your hair.
Hair Pulling
At some parts, while your head are at massaging stage, you will feel a small amount of hair will be gently rolled together and pulled. A small noise will come out after every pull. Don’t freak out, it’s just a trick that you feel your hair going off your head and making a crack, but it’s not. Vietnamese people find it relaxing.
Ear Picking
Now you have a clean-out ears and your ability to hear things are much better. Though this is freaky to most people. The lady will wear a front light like a miner, having a thin metal tool on her hand, and starting to work on your ear. You need to trust her, otherwise, this cleaning process can never be done. It will feel weird or nice, depending on how you feel. After that, she will use cotton buds to clean again. Helllloooooo? Can you hear me from so far away?
For the best real view, please see video:
If you have straight hair, it will be fine. If you have curly hairs, please be aware that Vietnamese hairdressers won’t know how to deal with original curly hair. Therefore, it will be better if you can take a few photos of the hairstyles you want and show to them.
Dry Blowing & Hair Modelling
It is the final process of cleaning hair in Vietnam. It can be as simple as the dry blowing or fancy with complicated hair modeling up to your taste.
A full process of hair cleaning in Vietnam can be up to 250,000vnd (= 12 US$). Please note this price is applied for small stores only. In mid-range hair salon, it can be up to 25US$, or a high-end top quality one is about 80US$.
Here is some quality English Speaking hairdressers in Hanoi for you to try:
* Tran Linh Hair Creation – 1 Hang Bun st., Hanoi. Money range: $$$
*Dinh Hair Salon: 2A Cua Bac st. Money range: $
*Q-cut: 53 Au Co st., Tay Ho District. Money Range: $$
Please click here to have a look at the Hanoi walking tour, then drop a message about your expectation of hair cleaning in Vietnam. After that, a travel consultant will contact you shortly and give the best option to make sure that you will feel relaxed and refresh after a day of various activities.
Enjoy your Vietnam tours!