Direct bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap, Cambodia

For those who are traveling from Bangkok Thailand to Siem Reap Cambodia, the easiest way to do the trip overland is traveling by direct bus. One may ask for reason why you want to go overland. Simply because if joining in a lot less expensive journey, you can save more money, the direct bus costs you about $23 (or $28 in the other direction). Otherwise, for those who are seeking for the way to transport large or bulky household goods, the direct bus is such a perfect option, particularly because they do not force you to change buses at the border. Tours Indochina Thailand

Buying tickets online

Morning snacks on bus to Siem Reap
Morning snacks on bus to Siem Reap

You can buy tickets in either direction online. Book Me Bus is a site where you can buy tickets between Bangkok and Siem Reap (plus Bangkok and Phnom Penh) by using a credit card. In either direction, you have to pay for an amount of $28 together with a small booking fee at $1. It is such a simple procedure, right after paying money, you will receive an e-ticket that you can either print out or show it on your telephone when arriving at the bus station. In high season of tourists the buses are often full, so it will cost you more than $1 booking fee to be able to book a seat in advance.

Buying tickets in person


The direct bus tickets are controlled by a transport company on the Thailand side while on the Cambodia side, they are kept by Nattakan. It costs you 750 baht ($23) to buy tickets from Bangkok. They can be bought at the Northern bus terminal in Bangkok, also known as Mo Chit 2 bus terminal, as well as Chatuchak bus terminal. From Sukhumvit, you will have to pay around 150 baht for taxi fare to the bus station. Tours in Thailand

You can find a booth labeled the transport company selling tickets from Bangkok to Siem Reap on the ground floor. Once being in Bangkok, you can also contact them to reserve a seat over the phone before paying for them at any 7-11, although you may need help of someone who knows Thai.

It is easy for you to purchase $28 tickets at the Nattakan office on Sivatha Boulevard in Siem Reap or profit services of many guesthouses and travel agents to travel from Siem Reap. They ensure that there are two buses running every day, one at 8:00 a.m. and another at 9:00 a.m. in either directions, however they often only run one bus per day because the other is sometimes used for private groups.

The bus journey

Direct bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap
Direct bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap

Depending on how crowded it is at the border, it takes you at least 8 hours to travel by direct bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap. They allow passengers with two bags each maximum weighs 20 kg. If you want to charge something inside, board early because there is limited storage space above the seats in the bus. The seats of the Bangkok-Siem Reap direct buses are really comfortable and lean back even more than you expect but you should watch out for the knees of the person behind you!

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