Foreign tourists travel to Vietnam have many exciting experiences. One of them is how to cross road with traffic. Many visitors said: crossing road in vietnam is called the “art” and like an adventure games, but interesting. Below are the top 5 tips for helping foreign visitors to cross road.
Forget the rules when crossing
If you have plans to travel to Vietnam, be prepared to forget everything taught about the crossing,such as: waiting as stopped vehicles, road markings for pedestrian and traffic light signals. In Vietnam, people cross the road by going straight ahead and create their own path while the vehicle is running.
Do not be afraid
In the eyes of foreign tourists the drivers were working careful, they moved slowly. So you should go straight to the road, slow down but not stop, and especially do not be scared.

Note the vehicle was heading towards you
The street was always full vehicles but pedestrians are crossing easily. You just need note to the direction of the vehicle, looking for spaces and slowly crossed. “There is no better way to cross the road, because the traffic is a nightmare in the big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City.
Do not stand in front of a bus
The bus is a public transportation in Vietnam. Bus ride safe and very cheap price. Therefore the number of people in each bus are large.
Standing in front of the bus is extremely dangerous. Because the bus stop is very difficult, unlike motorcycles.
Ask help from the traffic police
The traffic police officer in Vietnam was not scary. They are always smiling, just dedicated to you. So you need to do it is to smile and ask help from them.

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